Colchester Commission on Aging Meeting Minutes Monday, July 11, 2011 – Colchester Senior Center Members Present: Chairperson Rose Levine, Vice-Chair Theresa Hendricksen, Betty Ann Oppelt, Sue Maikshilo, Goldie Liverant, Marilyn Finnegan, Rob Gustafson, Herb Davis Members Absent: Jean Stawicki Others Present: Patti White 1. Call Meeting to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chair Rose Levine at 1:07 p.m. 2. Minutes: Betty Ann Oppelt motioned to approve the regular meeting minutes of 6/13/11 with the following corrections: younger, disabled people will still be covered by ConnPace and Patti had already applied for the renewal grant for the memories program. She reported that she was making the formal presentation. Theresa Hendricksen seconded. All other members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Financial Report: Betty Ann Oppelt reported that $393.00 was collected for transportation in the month of June. 0f that, $171.00 was for out of town trips. Patti added that they are meeting their financial goals for the transportation program. Theresa Hendricksen motioned to accept the Financial Report. Goldie Liverant seconded. All other members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Chairman’s Report: Rose Levine reported that the Board of Selectmen changed Rob Gustafson to an alternate member of the Commission and Marilyn Finnegan had been appointed as a member. Rose and Patti went to the town meeting that discussed the creation of the building committee. The Board of Selectmen are planning to include Theresa who was the chair of the Senior Center Study Group as a member. There will be 7 members and they are now accepting applications. There was discussion regarding goals of the Commission on Aging. Ideas included setting up a program where seniors can have volunteers come and perform small repairs needed to make their homes safe, compiling a booklet for seniors that would include resources pertinent to their age group and sponsoring lunch and learns where seniors can come to lunch at the center and receive education on topics that apply to them. Rose asked members to do some research and see what other towns are doing. 5. Senior Center Director’s Report: Patti White reported that they received the grant from senior resources for the memories program, but not the one from Stop & Shop. The program is also funded by the Brookdale Foundation. It is going really well and is at capacity. The state municipal grant that funds transportation did get cut by 75%. This won’t affect the current year but will the following fiscal year. The Friendly Visitors program had their 1st visit last week and it went really well. There is another one scheduled soon. TVCCA will have the 1st meal prepared at the center on Thursday, July 28th. The cafeteria will be spruced up by changing the tables and the addition of an awning. Patti met with an Eagle Scout group who will be putting in pavers and gardens in front of the senior center. This work should take place at the end of summer. Rose Levine motioned to accept the Senior Center Director’s Report. Betty Ann Oppelt seconded. All other members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED. 6. Senior Center Building Committee Update: No items were reported. 7. Old Business: A. Bylaw Review: Jean Stawicki had volunteered to be on this committee. Rose wants to try and set up a meeting in August. 8. New Business: Rose stated that the doctor who was to speak at the Alzheimer’s seminar that was cancelled due to snow in March is still interested in speaking. There were 50 people signed up for that evening. There is a possibility of holding it in September. Betty Ann presented a donation of stationary, stamps, pens, notepads and some petty cash for the corresponding secretary position. She did this in honor of Jean Stawicki for her service as chair. 9. Adjournment: Theresa Hendricksen motioned to adjourn the meeting at 2:05 pm. Goldie Liverant seconded the motion. All other members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Michelle Komoroski